Concurrent is a  DJ Functionary that is hosted/ curated by me, and my childhood friends. We wanted to build a progressive, black focused musical showcase to be able to build the music art scene in Minneapolis, MN. As well as get everyone in the art scene reconnected. We have been able to host THREE installations now, and make a name for the space we are holding.

What I'm showcasing is the video marketing that I created to promote our July 1st installation 

Follow us on INSTAGRAM if you want to keep up with us! Also check out one of our events if you're in the Minneapolis, MN area. 

Teaser video we released first to have people save the date
So this is the beginning to our set list post, for Instagram. We decided to chop up the video so that each artist was able to share their part to their Instagram story, and have their followings interact with that section instead of having to sit down and watch the entire video to see their DJ come up. We posted the full video to Twitter @concurrentspace
Thank You
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